L'Air du Bois est une plateforme Open Source de partage collaboratif ouverte à tous les amoureux du travail du bois. (En savoir plus)

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Qui suis-je ?

I grew up in a Master Carpenters homes, my father. Here in the US, In the Carpenter's Union, Master is top of the tier. He then has allowed me to use, most all of his tools. So, any great son, I spent 8 years in college for a Design degree, and now I lay the plans for my own shop.

Why, am I here rather than an American forum, well I can trace my French Heritage back to Nievre, Bourgogne, France 866-900 AD.

That said, I take a true pride in my heritage and well, you all have been doing longer.

Où suis-je ?
Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America
il y a 7 ans  Inscrit
il y a 7 ans  Dernière connexion


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