I have a question regarding open cutlist and how to get the lenght of multiple objects as a total.
The problem in question: I have crown moulding from multiple pieces glued together(see image bellow), but it's the same moulding, sketchup of course creates separate components for each one because there are different lengths. In my case, I also use the profile builder 3 to generate the moulding.
What I would want, if there is a way, is to get one line for all components with a sum on the length.
I know there is the summable option, but it works only for same components, if I have different components it's nor working.
Ionut Resetar
1 réponse

You have to declare your material as type "Dimentionnal" and the external cross section in the material window.
Then, in the Part list window, you will have the pieces and the total lenght.

Note that you may not declaring the cross section. It's works. You'll simply have a message "Cross Section Not Available"

Merci titimaster !
This is a good start.
So I get the full length if I use dimensional but only in the Summary. If I export to CSV I don't get the summary.
What it would be great to have is the ability to group several components in to one line, in this example with the moulding, it should be something like this:
Crown Profile (Crown Profile#1,Crown Profile#2, ...) Σ = 6400mm x 70mm x 50mm,
Because in this case you are not interested in individual pieces but in the overall length and usually you have pieces of about 2m long from which you cut to size when you build the furniture.

I understand your need, but as OpenCutList is a cut list software, it needs to list all parts because with this goal each part need to be "cut".
In your case you use it as a sort of "shop list", it's quit different use. And in this case, the summary could be your best friend with the solution of titimaster.
But of course as CSV is just a key/value format it doesn't export summary.
We will try to brain how "parts groups" could be introduce...

Hi Boris, indeed that's the use I am looking for. The plugin works great and we are slowly implementing sketchup to the team. We are currently doing everything in 2D with autocad, and the shop list by hand.
We have a lot of challenges along the way, a lot of human errors because it's tedious work.
And our shop lists are divided in to: solid wood parts, dimensional's, sheets, veneers.
Regarding veneers is very difficult to add, because as you model, you cut the veneers, so you end up with wrong dimensions in the list, you could add them with transparent material but I think it's just to much work and it's faster to do it manually at the end when you have the exported list an you start to organise it to print it out for every department.
Basically in this step I can do what titimaster is suggestion, it makes sens.
But as an idea for parts groups, which would be very helpful also in using dynamic components, as in dynamic cabinets for example.
When you use a dynamic cabinet and copy it and then start changing values using the component options the new cabinet and all nested components get a new unique name usually it's the initial name followed by # and a number. That is one thing open cutlist can't handle.
I love the fact that open cutlist works only with components and not groups, because you can create a dynamic door and have multiple groups that compose the component and open cutlist will treat it as one piece.
So back to the idea for parts groups:
Can you use the instance to group them ? that would mean we need to add an instance name, and have it be the same name for all parts we want to group. Or the new label feature and group the components based on a specific label.
The best would be, in my opinion, if you can check the definition name to be the same until you encounter the "#". Maybe also make it optional by adding it as a setting if you want components grouped like that.
Thank you very much for the help guys.

I think that the best solution to add to OpenCutList is to be able to export in csv the cutlist summary (in a separate file).
Because grouping part is not a good solution. This is not the main goal of a cut list software.
And using a special naming convention can generate unwanted results.
When you use a dynamic cabinet and copy it and then start changing values using the component options the new cabinet and all nested components get a new unique name usually it's the initial name followed by # and a number. That is one thing open cutlist can't handle.
Yes, and this a a "problem" in dynamic component system. Why does it duplicate the component ?
OpenCutList just follow the component concept : One définition can have multiple instances on the scene and that means each instance is the same part (if not scaled).

resetarionut small update from this midday, you can try the 1.6.4-dev release that can now export Cutlist OR Summary into CSV.

Boris Beaulant thanks!
Is there a way to close the question as resolved or it will just stay here as is.

Nice !
The question can stay as is. It may help other people. And you flag this anwser as best one then it's Ok.
Please report bugs if you find some in this development release.

But as an idea for parts groups, which would be very helpful also in using dynamic components, as in dynamic cabinets for example.
resetarionut, I think you may be interested in the next new release features for grouping identical parts ... :)

Boris Beaulant that is very good news :D.
I also have found an issue/bug with the dev realease you have shared regarding the summary. Where should I post that ?

Boris Beaulant Man, the first reactions to this update, where you group elements that are the same is absolutely fantastic. I will give you more feedback as I use the plugin.

In my opinion, the CSV export have to be only a raw list of elements.
This permit you to organize your datas as you need.
If you use MS-Excel (for exemple) to open your CSV file, you can create a dynamic cross table.
To illustrate :
with my furniture, I have a dimentionnal material "sapin" for 1.895 m.
After CSV export in excel, I create a column to have total length by parts. Then, with a dynamic cross table, i have easely totals by materials.
Perhaps the developper Boris Beaulant will have an other opinion :)

Thanks mate, that is a good idea but I am looking for automation, because if I change something at the client's request, I have to regenerate the csv file, and I have to redo the work of sorting the sheet.
Right now my csv file has 92 lines and I am not finished with this project.
Here are some screenshots of the project, and the last one is the sketchup project screenshot.
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Hi! A french version probably could offer you more responses ...
Merci Google Traduction!
J'ai une question concernant la liste de coupe ouverte et comment obtenir la longueur totale de plusieurs objets.
Le problème en question: j'ai des moulures couronnées à partir de plusieurs pièces collées ensemble (voir l’illustration ci-dessous), mais il s’agit du même moulage, sketchup crée bien sûr des composants séparés pour chacun d’entre eux car il existe différentes longueurs. Dans mon cas, j'utilise également le générateur de profil 3 pour générer le moulage.
Ce que je voudrais, s’il ya moyen, c’est d’obtenir une ligne pour tous les composants avec une somme sur la longueur.
Je sais qu'il existe l'option sommable, mais cela ne fonctionne que pour les mêmes composants, si j'ai des composants différents, cela ne fonctionne pas.
Ionut Resetar*"