Origin and utility of the saw
First saw-mills erected
Principle of the construction of the saw
Principle of the cross-cut saw
Different bevels of teeth
Cross-cut saw for soft wood
Cross-cut saw for medium wood
Cross-cut saw for hard wood
Pitch of the teeth
Cross-cut timber-saw
Back-saws for soft wood
Back-saws for hard wood
The fleam-tooth saw
Billet or buck-saws
Billet or buck-saws for hard wood
The too common saw
Long cross-cut or log-saw
Patent hook-tooth saw
Cross-cut circular-saws
Cross-cut circular-saws for soft wood
Cross cut circular saws for hard wood
Scroll, web, and compass-saws
Butchers' saws
Surgeons' saws
Hack-saws, for sawing iron, brass, etc
Principle of the rip-saw
Hand rip-saws
Vertical mill-saws
Circular rip-saws
Difference of teeth for circular-saws
Explanation of the division of a circle into degrees
The Aiken set
The crotch-punch set
Principle of the Aiken set
The old way of setting saws
Selection of saws and other tools
First saw-mills erected
Principle of the construction of the saw
Principle of the cross-cut saw
Different bevels of teeth
Cross-cut saw for soft wood
Cross-cut saw for medium wood
Cross-cut saw for hard wood
Pitch of the teeth
Cross-cut timber-saw
Back-saws for soft wood
Back-saws for hard wood
The fleam-tooth saw
Billet or buck-saws
Billet or buck-saws for hard wood
The too common saw
Long cross-cut or log-saw
Patent hook-tooth saw
Cross-cut circular-saws
Cross-cut circular-saws for soft wood
Cross cut circular saws for hard wood
Scroll, web, and compass-saws
Butchers' saws
Surgeons' saws
Hack-saws, for sawing iron, brass, etc
Principle of the rip-saw
Hand rip-saws
Vertical mill-saws
Circular rip-saws
Difference of teeth for circular-saws
Explanation of the division of a circle into degrees
The Aiken set
The crotch-punch set
Principle of the Aiken set
The old way of setting saws
Selection of saws and other tools
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Wow, merci pour ce partage. Je reviens sous peu pour partager mon avis après lecture
Personnellement ce que je lis page 37 me choque énormément.
N'importe qui ayant essayé de mettre autant de crochet dans une scie pour deligner sait que c'est très inconfortable.