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Design of timber structures

Design of timber structures (Volume 3. Examples)

Design of timber structures
Design of timber structures
Cet ouvrage compte 3 volumes référencés.


Design of timber structures (Volume 3. Examples)


Design in the ultimate limit state (ULS) 5
Example 3.1: Design of a straight timber joist 5
Example 3.2: Bearing strength for the support a of timber joist 7
Example 3.3: Capacity of a notched timber beam 8
Example 3.4: Lateral torsional buckling check of a glulam beam 11
Example 3.5: Design of a double tapered beam (ULS and SLS) 14

Design of timber joints 20
Example 4.1: Design of tie rod connection 20
Example 4.2: Design of nailed connection in a Gerber system 22
Example 4.3: Design of bolted connection in tension 25
Example 4.4: Design of moment resisting column base 27

Composite timber elements 32
Example 5.1: Design of an OSB-webbed I-girder (ULS and SLS) 34

Horizontal stabilization 39
Example 6.1: Design of bracing system for wind load on the gable of an industrial hall 39

Design for serviceability 44
Example 7.1: Design of a straight timber joist with respect to deflection 44
Example 7.2: Serviceability check of floor with timber joists – vibration 46
Example 7.3: Serviceability check of floor with glulam elements – vibration 49

Symbols 52
Non-liability and copyright 56
Publications and websites from Swedish Wood 59


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