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Design of timber structures

Design of timber structures (Volume 2. Rules and formulas according to Eurocode 5)

Design of timber structures
Design of timber structures
Cet ouvrage compte 3 volumes référencés.


Design of timber structures (Volume 2. Rules and formulas according to Eurocode 5)


1 Introduction 5

2 General concepts 5
2.1 Load duration classes 5
2.2 Service classes 6
2.3 Load combination factors ψ 6

3 Material properties 7
3.1 Design value for strength in the ultimate limit states, ULS 7
3.2 Strength modification factor kmod 8
3.3 Size effects 9
3.4 Material properties for standardized wood products 10
3.5 Final modulus of elasticity 20

4 Bending 21

5 Axial loading 22
5.1 Tension 22
5.2 Compression 23

6 Cross section subjected to shear 25

7 Cross section subjected to combined stresses 26
7.1 Compression stresses at an angle to the grain 26
7.2 Combined bending and axial tension 26
7.3 Combined bending and axial compression 27

8 Members with varying cross section or curved shape 28
8.1 Tapered beams 28
8.2 Double tapered, curved and pitched cambered beams 29
8.3 Notched members 31

9 Serviceability limit states, SLS 32
9.1 General 32
9.2 Joint slip 33
9.3 Deflections 34
9.4 Vibrations 35

10 Connections with metal fasteners 36
10.1 General 36
10.2 Shear capacity of wood-wood and panel-wood connections 36
10.3 Shear capacity of steel-to-wood connections 38
10.4 Nailed connections 40
10.5 Bolted and dowelled connections 44
10.6 Screwed connections 46

11 Wall diaphragms 49
11.1 Simplified analysis method A 49
11.2 Simplified analysis method B 50

12 Bracing 51
12.1 Single members in compression 51
12.2 Bracing of beam or truss systems 52

Symbols 53
Non-liability and copyright 57
Publications and websites from Swedish Wood 59


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