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Wood handbook: Wood as an engineering material

Wood handbook: Wood as an engineering material

de Robert Ross Forest Products Laboratory
Wood handbook: Wood as an engineering material
Wood handbook: Wood as an engineering material


Wood handbook: Wood as an engineering material


Summarizes information on wood as an engineering material. Presents properties of wood and wood-based products of particular concern to the architect and engineer. Includes discussion of designing with wood and wood-based products along with some pertinent uses.
Wood as a renewable and sustainable resource
Brashaw, B.; Bergman, R.

Characteristics and availability of commercially important woods
Wiemann, M.C. .

Structure and function of wood
Wiedenhoeft, A.; Eberhardt, T.L.

Moisture relations and physical properties of wood
Glass, S.V.; Zelinka, S.L.

Mechanical properties of wood
Senalik, C.A.; Farber, B.

Commercial lumber, round timbers, and ties
Senalik, C.A.; Farber, B.

Stress grades and design properties for lumber, round timber, and ties
Senalik, C.A.; Farber, B.

Rammer, D.R.

Structural analysis equations
Lo Ricco, M.T.; Amini, M.O.; Rammer, D.R.

Wood adhesives: bond formation and performance
Frihart, C.R.; Hunt, C.G.

Wood-based composite materials: panel products, glued laminated timber, structural composite lumber, and wood–nonwood composites
Stark, N.M.; Cai, Z.

Mechanical properties of wood-based composite materials
Cai, Z.; Senalik, C.A.; Ross, R.J.

Drying and control of moisture content and dimensional changes
Bergman, R.

Biodeterioration of wood
Arango, R.; Lebow, S.T.; Glaeser, J.A.

Wood preservatives
Kirker, G.T.; Lebow, S.T.

Finishing wood
Hunt, C.G.

Use of wood in buildings and bridges
Wacker, J.P.

Fire safety of wood construction
Dietenberger, M.A.; Hasburgh, L.E.; Yedinak, K.M.

Specialty treatments
Ibach, R.E.

Heat sterilization of wood
Wang, X.


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