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Four Centuries of Dutch Planes and Planemakers

Four Centuries of Dutch Planes and Planemakers

de Gerrit van der Sterre
Four Centuries of Dutch Planes and Planemakers
Four Centuries of Dutch Planes and Planemakers


Four Centuries of Dutch Planes and Planemakers


Long-awaited, Four Centuries of Dutch Planes and Planemakers is finally available here in a Dutch and English dual language version. Its rich harvest of information, the result of more than 15 years of painstaking research, covers every aspect of Dutch woodworking planes and their makers. Included are chapters on the development of the planemaking trade, the nomenclature of Dutch woodworking planes, descriptions and illustrations of all known types of Dutch planes, studies of the prominent planemaking dynasties (especially in Amsterdam and Rotterdam), indexes of planemakers and plane-iron makers' marks, and much more. Fully illustrated, this thoroughly researched, comprehensive study is the first to be undertaken on the planes and planemakers of the Netherlands. It will certainly gain a valued space on the tool collector's bookshelf next to British Planemakers and Guide to the Makers of American Wooden Planes.
Foreword 1 /5
Foreword 2 /7
Preface /9
Preface to the second edition /13
Introduction /15
1. The principles of planing and the techniwus of planemaking /23
2. The nomenclature of Dutch woodworking planes /36
3. Wide-bodied planes /49
4. *Smalle* planes and miscellaneous planes /67
5. Moulding planes and profiles /89
6. Dutch woodworking planes before 1600 /102
7. The early days of professional planemaking /107
8. Rotterdam planemakers /117
9. The state of industrialisation of planemaking in the nineteeth century /122
10. The planemakers of Anholt /128
11. The Friesland planemakers and their successor /147
12. Makers' and dealers' marks /166
13. Dated Dutch planes /178
14. Plane irons /189
15. Workshop and workbench: handling and storing tolls /203
Notes /221
Appendix 1. Register of planemakers /225
Appendix 2. Register of marks /239
Index /256


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il y a 4 ans ( Modifié )

Exemple de page intérieure (trouvé sur le site de Peter Follansbee)

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Le Bois par les Sens
Le Bois par les Sens 
il y a 4 ans ( Modifié )

La traduction anglaise est bienvenue !
J'ai de la famille la bas, à l'occasion j'essaierai bien de mettre la main sur quelques outils.

il y a 4 ans

C'est clair, heureusement, sinon le livre aurait une diffusion beaucoup plus restreinte.

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