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The Handplane Book

The Handplane Book

de Garrett Hack Taunton Press
The Handplane Book
The Handplane Book


The Handplane Book


When I started collecting flea market planes and trying to use them, I quickly became frustrated. They worked poorly, often doing more harm than good. Few books were helpful; they focused more on plane history than the practical information I needed.

THE HAND PLANE BOOK is the owner’s manual I wish I had had back then. It explains the dynamics of how a plane cuts, and vital information about tuning, sharpening, and adjusting every plane you might ever want to use, to work better than you ever thought possible. There’s some interesting history and stories of unusual planes, along with lots of essential information on planes for smoothing surfaces to a polish, to planes that cut joints, moldings, edges, even tiny wooden shoe pegs. Included is advice for setting up a bench and your shop to use planes more efficiently and accurately, such as simple jigs to hold your work securely.

Planes were once the most important tools in a carpenter’s chest, and I believe they still are today. The quality and variety of planes is on the rise, as is interest in using them to build fine things of wood. I like to imagine this book well worn and sitting on a shelf in your shop, a complete guide to using these indispensable tools.
Introduction 3
What Is a Plane? 5
History of Planes 16
Plane Mechanics 27
Tuning a Plane 51
How to Plane 75
Planes for Truing and S 93
Planes for Joinery 121
Planes for Surfacing 153
Scrapers 154
Planes for Shaping 185
Specialty Planes 187
Contemporary Plane M 229
Buying Planes 243
Bibliography 258
Droits d'auteur


Nombre de pages
Année de parution
Domaine public
Prix public
45,00 $US
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