L'Air du Bois est une plateforme Open Source de partage collaboratif ouverte à tous les amoureux du travail du bois. (En savoir plus)

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Qui suis-je ?

...it all began when I wanted a campsite sign for when we went camping. They wanted $125 for a sign, and we couldn't afford that at the time. I was experienced in creating on the computer, so my husband got me a 1x12, a Black & Decker Rotary tool, and said "go for it." The rest, as they say is history.

I went on to scrolling from there, and in 2010 tried my hand at freehand routing. I freehand route all my signs, and I use my scroll saw when the need arises, or I find a pattern I would like to make. This past Christmas, I began making compound cuts, making ornaments and trinkets.

I enjoy making all sorts of wooden crafts. In 2019 we were able to get me a 16'x24' workshop/shed built. I share it with the other half (he has a small corner up in the front for his tools) and the rest is my shop for all my toys/tools and my wood supply.

Où suis-je ?
United States - Michigan
il y a 3 ans  Inscrit
il y a 3 ans  Dernière connexion


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